SouthEastern Regional Meeting on Numbers 
Wofford College 
April 27-28, 2024

The SouthEastern Regional Meeting on Numbers (SERMON) is a series of conferences in number theory held annually at colleges and universities in South Carolina and neighboring states.  It is held in coordination with PANTS, a similar conference held twice in the fall of every year.  The core members of the PANTS consortium are Clemson University and the University of South Carolina.

We are grateful for support from the National Science Foundation, the National Security Agency, the Provost’s Office at Wofford College, and the Mathematics Department at Wofford College.


To register for the conference, please click the link below:


If you wish to give a talk, please submit it by April 22.  Please submit funding requests by April 19. 


A form for requesting support is available, and copies will be available at the conference too. Please complete the form and submit it with your receipts at the conference, or shortly thereafter.



-       Lola Thompson, University of Utrecht, Plenary Speaker

-       Alex Cowan, Harvard University, Postdoc Plenary Speaker

-       Esme Rosen, LSU, Graduate Student Plenary Speaker



All talks will be in Olin 101.  Olin is building #10 on the campus map.


10:00 Robert (Scotty) Groth, “Newton Polygons and the Irreducibility of Legendre Polynomials”


10:30 Swati, “Congruence properties modulo prime powers for a class of partition functions”

11:15 Lola Thompson, “Preimages of the sum of proper divisors function”

2:15 Esme Rosen, “Symmetries of Hypergeometric Functions and Modular Forms”


3:30 Frank Thorne, TBA


4:00 Wojciech Tralle, “Almost strong approximation in algebraic tori”


4:45 Erick Ross, “Eigenbasis Decomposition of Hecke Eigenform Products via the Rankin-Selberg Method”






9:30 Stevo Bozinovski, “A new property of the Pascal Triangle”


10:15 Alex Cowan, “A twisted additive divisor problem”


11:30 Tianyu Ni, “Linear independence of periods for the symmetric square $L$-functions”


12:00 Tom Wright, “Further adventures in Siegel zeroes”





Travel, Parking, and Conference Location


If you plan to request support, please share accommodations so that we can make the best use of grant funding.

Wofford maintains a list of hotels within reasonable distance from campus.  Here it is.

Coffee and Dining

Other Information

Last modified April 8, 2024.