Photography by G.R. Davis

GR's homepage

Summer 2015

Eighteen Impressions of Alaska June 2015

Spring 2014

Two Graves

Eighteen Light Impressions of New York City April 2014


Summer 2013

Murals of Chester, South Carolina

Veteran's Memorial, Fayetteville, North Carolina

A Cuddly Grave, Spartanburg, South Carolina

Downtown Lumberton, North Carolina

Recycling, Asheville, North Carolina

First Baptist Church, Bladenboro, North Carolina

Advent Candles, Sherwood Presbyterian Church

The Demolition of Buffalo Mill

Fall Color: Sam Knob and Looking Glass Rock


Photos from January Trip to The Netherlands and France

Inside and Outside the Church of Saint Roch, Montpellier, France

The Cathedral of Marseille

La Ville Charite in Marseille

Marseille Architecture

Marseille Street Art

More Scenes from the Streets of Marseille

Arles Street Art

Encounters in the Cemetery, Arles, France

Impressions of Arles

Reflections in the Marina at Marseille

Amsterdam At Night

Impressions of the Gardens of Versailles

Impressions of Utrecht at Night



Messages from the Kissimee Salvage Yard



The latest exhibition: A Sojourn in Africa
Fifty Photographs and Notes from Zimbabwe, Botswana and Kenya

These are high resolution image files which may take a while to load on your computer.
I hope you'll find it worth the wait. And be sure to read the captions!
The exhibition is availabe for loan by contacting GR Davis.

Meet the People of Old Mutare, Zimbabwe

The people you'll meet on this website have links to most of the websites
GR created while on faculty development leave at
Africa University in Old Mutare from January to May, 2012.



Africa University and Environs

Africa University Fields and Mountains

More from the AU Farm

AU Campus

AU Farm House

Birds of the AU Campus

Spider and Snakes

Mostly about People

The People of Old Mutare (with many links)

The Gonye Family

My Sister's Place

The Faculty of Health Sciences

Nursing Students at AU

Tractor Drivers

Home of Beauty

Maenzanise Church

Old Mutare Reflections

Project Tariro

Scenes from a Graduation I

Scenes from a Graduation II

Randy and the Snakes

Nyasha's Family


From Mt. Chiremba

Rock Paintings

Leopard Rock, Mutare

Night Sky from the AU Farmhouse

Stations of the Cross, Mutare Cathedral

Soapstone Carvings at the Border

Tsvingwe Summit

Roadsides of Zimbabwe


The Pioneer Cemetery of Old Mutare, Zimbabwe

The Bishop's Grave

The Graveyard near St. Augustine Mission *




Beyond Old Mutare

Victoria Falls

Phillip and the Zambezi River Gorge

Gonarezhou Safari (several pages)

The Great Zimbabwe

Nyanga Park

Worlds View, Zimbabwe (several pages)

Zimbabwean Clouds and Sky

Trevor and Sheila's Farm


Animals of Lake Nakuru

Masai Mara Safari and Village

More Animals from the Masai Mara

Landscapes and Sunsets of Masai Mara

Roadsides of Kenya

Roadsides of Kenya (Same content, but these larger files take longer to load because they cover 95% of your screen width so you can see far more detail.)

Wheeling Around Nairobi

Animals of Mount Kenya

Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya

Sunset Over Kenya


Drive-by Shooting

The King's Palace

Rwandan Church and Cemetery

Top View and Chimps


The Elephants of Chobe National Park in Botswana

Chobe Safari

Chobe Lion

Chobe Birds


May Flowers of Looking Glass Rock


Sunset Over Kenya





Eight day Backpacking Trip in
the South Central Wind River Range of Wyoming


The Chilly (Idaho) Cemetary


Abstracting Indiana

posted 2 August 2011

Columbus Indiana Churches

posted 2 August 2011


Looking Glass Rock: An Early July Overnight


A Morning Stroll in Charleston, SC

Another Morning Stroll in Charleston

Looking for Water Mocassins in Francis Marion National Forest

Footage of St. John the Baptist


May Hike on Looking Glass Rock and Getting Intimate with Trudy



In this slideshow my pictures from Granada, Spain and Rabat, Morocco are set to Tarrega's Requerdos de l'Alhambra (Memories of the Alhambra) played by classical guitarist John Williams. The Alhambra is featured in some of the pictures.

Download GranadaRabatWithGuitar.ppt from and play it as a slide show. The music should play as the slides advance automatically for 3 minutes 7 seconds.

The pictures in the slide show are not labeled, but they (and many others) which are labeled can be found at Granada and Rabat.



April Hikes on Looking Glass Rock


Second Chance



A Morning Tour of Roxanna's Farm





The other end of the rainbow

Granada and Rabat

Seventeen days in southern Spain and northwest Africa




Down Town; Macon, Georgia




Modern Ruins: Macon, Georgia




Early Morning at Croft State Park




The Stained Glass Windows of Duke Chapel




Chattooga River Hike, 23 October 2010





After Cezanne: Using Water for Impressionistic Effects



GR's Old Favorites

South Carolina

Gator Quest, Georgetown

Water Mirror, Greenville

Just Looking, Greenville

Tour de Bob Jones, Greenville

Hatcher Gardens, Spartanburg

Early morning at Lake Greenwood

Lilies, Spartanburg

Precipitate, Spartanburg

Poinsett Bridge and Dragon Joose

An Encounter with a Wall, Clinton

Ezekiel Hall,
Confederate Gravetender,

All the Marvels, Ninety Six

Magnolia Cemetary & King Street, Charleston

Interior now Exterior, Spartanburg

While You Were Shopping, Spartanburg

Transformed Christmas Tree Lights, Spartanburg

Shadows and Edges, Spartanburg

Finer Points of Charleston: Shapes and Shadows

Chattooga River Hike, 23 October 2010

Fall Colors; Duncan Park, Spartanburg

Early Morning at Croft State Park

Red Rectangles, Spartanburg

Duncan Park Trail, Spartanburg

A Morning Stroll in Charleston, SC

Another Morning Stroll in Charleston

Looking for Water Mocassins in Francis Marion National Forest

Footage of St. John the Baptist

Duncan Park Trail, Spartanburg

Back of the Shed, Gramling, SC

Warehouse Walls, Inman, SC

From a Warehouse Wall, Spartanburg

Messages from the Kissimee Salvage Yard




North Carolina

Late Summer Flowers near the Mt. Pisgah Trailhead, Blue Ridge Parkway

Sunset Skyscapes from the Blue Ridge Parkway

Scenes from Tryon Street, Downtown Charlotte

Felled and Formed, Saluda

Asheville Abstracts

An Overcast Day in October, Asheville

Sundappled subjects at Pickelshiemer Fields

The Fine Waters near
the Fort Fisher Ferry

Wilmington Waterfront at Dusk

Wilmington Cemetary

Odds and Ends, Carolina Beach

Among the Fallen, Wake Forest

Blue Ridge Parkway

No Time to Play, Fayetteville

Pacolet River Gorge north of Tryon

Buzzard's Roost Church and other Scenes, Fayetteville, NC.

The Stained Glass Windows of Duke Chapel

Four pictures from the Blue Ridge Parkway


Looking Glass Rock in the
Pisgah National Forest
near Brevard, NC


Early September, 2009

Mid-September, 2009

Early November, 2009

Waking up with Trudy in Early November 2009

Late December, 2009

Overnight on LGR, October 2010

April 2011 Hikes on Looking Glass Rock

May 2011 Hike on Looking Glass Rock

Getting Intimate with Trudy

A July 2011 Overnight

Trudy in a Fog, September 2011

Note: "Trudy" is a Red Cedar that lives on the edge of a cliff at Looking Glass Rock.

Looking Glass Rock from the Blue Ridge Parkway

Graveyard Fields and views from the Blue Ridge Parkway of Looking Glass Rock

Looking Glass Rock October 2011

May Flowers of Looking Glass Rock 2012

Looking Glass Rock October 2012

Fall Color: Sam Knob and
Looking Glass Rock 22 October 2013

Looking Glass Rock 18 October 2014



Georgia and Virginia

Downtown Atlanta, GA

The Jesus of Canon, GA

Down Town; Macon, Georgia

Modern Ruins: Macon, Georgia

Roan Mountain, Virginia

No Rush Coming Home from Williamsburg

Georgia Mountains Colors


Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, & Colorado

Eight day Backpacking Trip in the South Central Wind River Range of Wyoming (August 2011)

The Chilly (Idaho) Cemetary

Copper Basin and Arco, Idaho

Rocky Mountain National Park and Steamboat Springs, Colorado

Arches National Park and Capital Reef National Park, Utah

A seven day backpacking trip in the Wyoming's Grand Tetons (August 2010)

Road Trip through the Mountains of Eastern Idaho (August 2010)



Botswana: San People of the Kalahari Desert

Botswana: Mochudi and Mokolodi Game Reserve

Namibia: Sossusvlei

Namibia: Sesriem, land of giant sand dunes

Namibia: More Sesriem

Namibia: Etosha National Park

Namibia: Walvis Bay, Twyvelfontein, Cape Cross, Kuiseb Desert, and Swakopmund

South Africa: Cape Town South Africa and environs

South Africa: The Townships of Cape Town

South Africa: Table Mountain near Cape Town

South Africa: Around Cape Town: Camp's Bay and the Waterfront

South Africa: Cape of Good Hope and Cape Peninnsula

South Africa: Graves of Cape Town

South Africa: Stellenbosch

Zimbabwe: Meet the Workers of the Africa University Farm

More links (17) to GR's photos of South Africa and Namibia from January 2010

Ab at Africa University: A website with weekly letters from Ab Abercrombie during the fall of 2010.

Morocco: Rabat and Fez



Spain: Granada and Cordoba


Sicily: Architecture



South America

Brasilia and Pirenopolis, Brazil



Vietnam OK, so I haven't been to Vietnam but my son Phillip Davis was there for the month of May 2009. I wish I could take credit for all these photos but Phillip made them with a point-and-shoot Nikon digital camera. I'm jealous and proud!


Before switching to a digital camera in 2007, I made photographs on 35mm slide film in Ecuador, Venezeula, Trinidad, Tobago, The Netherlands, France, and Spain. When I get those slides scanned and converted to digital format, I'll post those images to this website.


Pictures from January 2010 trip to South Africa and Namibia:

The Places

6000 year old Bushman Rock Art near Twyvelfontein, Namibia

Climbing Brukkaros Volcano in Namibia

Life in Nambia

Sandscapes: The Red Sand Dunes of Sossusvlei, Namibia

The Cape of Good Hope, South Africa

Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa

Signal Hill and the Waterfront, Cape Town, South Africa

The Cape Gannets of Bird Island, Lambert's Bay, South Africa

Whimsical Photographs from South Africa and Namibia

The People

Group Photographs

Our First Campsite: On the Beach at Strandfontein, South Africa

Bush Camping along the Fish River in Namaland

In the Land of the Red Dunes: Sesriem and Sossusvlei


Here and There

Hither and Yonder

Our Guide Burger Jordaan



Photographs and text from
Pirenopolis and Brasilia,
Brazil, June 2009



A Pilgrimage Hike on
the Holy Mountain of Athos, Greece.

June 2008
with Peter Schmunk and
David Whisnant

Photographs and Essay

View of Stavronikita Monastery and Mount Athos


Council for Internation Education and Exchange site visits to the
University of Cape Town,
Stellenbosch University, and the
University of Botswana (March 2009)
Websites with labeled photographs


Meet the Workers at the Africa University Farm
Old Mutare, Zimbabwe
Interviews conducted December 2007
for book project showcasing Africa University with colleagues
Dr. Ab Abercrombie, Dr. Terry Ferguson, and Dr. Chris Hope.






The Cottonwood Trail: Glimpses of Wildness in the Heart of Spartanburg

Essays by Thomas Webster,
Photographs by G.R. Davis Jr. and Peter L. Schmunk
Published by the Hub City Writers Project
PO Box 8421
Spartanburg, SC 29305
Released October 2006

Available at Barnes and Noble,
ISBN 1-891885-48-0


Thy Wonders Displayed...Africa University


C.L. "Ab" Abercrombie, G.R. Davis, Terry Ferguson, and Chris Hope
ISBN-13: 97800-9786343-1-5

(cover show to right)

Published by the Africa University Press
Copies available late July 2009 from
The Africa University Development Office
PO Box 340007, Nashville, TN 37212
615-340-7439 or 615-340-7290 (fax)

"Teeming with beautiful photographs and engaging prose, Thy Wonders Displayed: Africa University, is a remarkable presentation of landscape and life. Readers of this book will quickly find themselves exploring the Africa University campus in a wise, thorough, and compelling manner. A.U. is contributing faithfully to a hopeful future. This book is a first-rate presentation of science with a goal."

Dr. Ron Robinson
Perkins-Prothro Chaplain and Professor of Religion
Wofford College

"I thought I knew the University, and in a way I did-- its main campus, dormitory, and classroom and activity buildings, library, administrative offices, and the chapel. This book, however, introduced me to a much larger understanding of the campus -- its geological landscape, its wildlife, and its farm... This lovingly crafted text is complemented by a striking collection of photographs that bring the campus alive with their witness to the goodness, wonder, and beauty of the place."

from the Foreward by
Bishop J. Lawrence McCleskey
Executive Vice President for Development, Africa University





Brazilia Portfolio. Fall 2009 Sandor Teszler Library of Wofford College, main level exhibition space.


Photographs--Perspectives on Place